Power Electronics, Electronics Authors Projects Articles, 13-15VOLT 10AMP SMPS 30VOLT OUT THE MODIFIED subject " SMPS SMPS SMPS circuit circuit * * tl494 * "tagged with
13-15 Volt 10 Amp SMPS switching power supply circuit I arrange for a 30-volt output is the benefit I hope it was a good experience for me
An important point to dwell my original ATX Power transformer power supply (ei33) 12-volt outlet to have 2 × 6 laps around the winding is happening to the common end of the earth behold 2 wound transformer we use doğrultup with say 2 or the same account
Full-wave rectifier diode with Midpoint substation 2
for example, we get 12 volts DC with two doyot the transformer so that 2 × 12 volts so the middle (chassis -) end if we do the straightening process with the use of said bridge
Full-wave bridge rectifier diodes
We do not use our medium-end 24v DC output voltage of the SMPS circuit it happens I use this method to make 30 volts has little tolerance need not always be ideal 24v 30 volt upgrade
Changes made to 30 volt output
We are using the output diode bridge but did not find mold in the market if you can use 4-speed diode, or you can use a 12-volt rectifier diode by399 scrap power supply circuit as I do
Examples of the type of diode transistor wiring diagram in Klif
TL494 will be R38, R39 leg No. 2,450 in a 27k while the LM393 voltage rise tl494 warned to protect against voltage of the LM393 integrated set number three legs in proportion to the resistance in the output capacitor required to be at least 35V
D12 will be canceled R42 30V outputs to be connected directly. Give good results on the circuit load protection circuit should not have a problem now, but tests continue dediy project development is not completed.
TL494 with 13-15 Volt 10 Amp 30 Volt SMPS project designed to upgrade the schema
13volt 15volt 10 amp 30 volt output SMPS for modified
13-15 volt 10 amp 30 volt output SMPS circuits will have to re-edit One importante point not to let the power transformer in the original ATX power supply (ei33) 12 volt output 2 × 6 tour around the winding frame is there when three partners say the 2 by 2 transformer windings and will use it to rectify the same account