Electronic Resources, MATLAP Turkish MANUAL subject " guide * course * matlab matlab matlab use function * * * matlap * Matlap math matlab matlab Guide * Turkish * "tagged with
Matlap transactions on an ebook program, containing detailed information about the program Turkish programming and more
CHAPTER 1: Using MATLAB and matrix operations
SECTION 2: Graphics and Drawing Curves
Chapter 3: Programming with MATLAB
SECTION 4: Control Systems in Time-Frequency Analysis
Annex (Table): MATLAB commands and Matrix Functions Table
SECTION 2: Graphics and Drawing Curves
Chapter 3: Programming with MATLAB
SECTION 4: Control Systems in Time-Frequency Analysis
Annex (Table): MATLAB commands and Matrix Functions Table
NOTE: "MATLAB User's Guide" includes the first three chapters of relevant information on the usage.The final section, "Computer-Aided Control Systems" course is prepared according to the content.
"Matlab" program (matrix laboratory's been named by taking the first three letters.) Of engineering applications, most of the matrix and a program complex math-based realization of the calculation and simulation.
Use for all kinds of graphical results can be taken in the desired style is very wide. In addition, the use of which is at least 6.0 and later versions of MATLAB will be more useful in terms of timeliness.
To start using the program input commands in this section will be described in mathematical functions and matrix operators. Also in the last part of the guide is provided as the most commonly used matrix commands and function table.